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the real value of chess pieces

Updated: Jul 29

what are the value of each chess pieces? it's not what you think

when you are a beginner it's important to become familiar with the value of the chess pieces, without it you can not analyze which changes are advantageous for you. one of the best-used methods today is considering the pawn one unit and then we have-

bishop and knight = 3

rook = 5

queen = 9

of course that the king has infinitive value because when it falls the game is lost.

the evaluation of the pieces is dependent on different cases which we will go over today. for example, the two bishops worth 6 points are always better than a rook and a pawn.

this idea of evaluating a pawn as one unit is abstract and cannot be applied as a rule of thumb. some times the coordination between the chess pieces can effectively outmaneuver more "chess points".

this chess idea can certainly be thought about when playing a chess game. the value of the chess pieces is relative and dependent on the characteristics of the position as well as the actual material on the chess board at a given moment. for example, a rook is generally better than a knight but sometimes it can be equal.

Let's now look at some examples.

knight valued at more than the rook

here white would have had an advantage if he could get action against the black king. we can see that he cannot do this by a3 or f1:

  1. Ra3, Pe4

  2. Rxa6, Nf3

  3. Ra3, e3

now the threat is qb1 with checkmate after Qg1,Qxg1.

4. Rb3, e2

black pawn almost promoting

this is a winning position.

now lets look at why the rook cant enter from f1:

  1. Rd1, Nf3

  2. Rf1,e4

  3. Rd1, e3

pawn moving down the board

in this position blacks knight can be considered as strong as the black rook. black also has the extra pawn as the compensation for the loss of exchange, black has the upper hand.

lets now look at some other pieces inequalitys. as a general rule three minor pieces are generally better than the queen. the exeption is when the queen can enter the enemy position, pinning pieces and attacking pawns. when the minor pieces can regroup and create an attack, their power is much greater than the queen.

in the next position, white has the upper hand although his opponent has a matirial advantage.

three pieces and black has queen

the reason for whites supiriority is becouse of his opponents lack of active possibliltys.

he has lots of weaknesses coused by b6 and g6 and this will have a great effect in the rest of the game.

whites pawn on d4 on the other hand is no weakness, it playes a role of stopping any pawn advances in both sides of the board.

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